MaxRefract User GuideChallenge:

Most radial keratotomy (RK) surgeons ran independent practices, knew little about marketing, and had no systematic method by which to manage the sales process for qualifying, selling, and managing interested patients interested in RK surgery.


To launch the system created for ophthalmologist into a marketable product to other physicians outside partner’s local market.


  • Commercialized the processes and software system created to “virtualize” an ophthalmologist’s practice.
  • Designed and developed system base on proven “best practices” implemented in an off-the-shelf” CRM solution.
  • Developed the documentation and training to complete the product.
  • Unveiled product at an annual ophthalmology conference.
  • Developed corporate sponsor affiliates to help fund marketing the product to the industry.


Successfully completed implementations in 3 direct markets – Vancouver, New Jersey, and Alabama.